How to Uninstall Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser protects online privacy and security. Its built-in HTTPS encryption creates secure connections to websites, and its Privacy Cleaner removes cookies, cache, and other temporary files from the device to help maintain privacy. Additionally, Avast Secure Browser incorporates efficient tab management features which allow users to quickly switch between tabs open and reorder them or pin them to make access easier.

Getting rid of Avast Secure Browser is easy with a third-party application such as CCleaner. To install a third-party program, start the program and follow the instructions on screen to complete the process. You can also refer to this article about how to uninstall Windows programs to get detailed instructions on the uninstalling procedure.

You can also uninstall Avast Secure browser by using the Control Panel. To do so, open the Windows Settings app and select « Apps and features » in the sidebar. From the list of installed applications, select Avast Secure Browser and then select Uninstall. After that, click the « Yes » button at the prompt to confirm the removal.

Once the uninstaller has finished eliminating Avast Safe Browser, you will be presented with an ad-hoc message asking if your browsing history should be deleted. Click « Yes » to proceed. Select « Also Delete Your Browsing History » and wait until the program has finished clearing the data off your computer. Close the window after the process is finished. Check the local and roaming directories on your computer to determine if there are any old Avast files.

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