What Is Web Attack and How Does It Affect Your Business?

Over the past decade over the past decade, millions of businesses and organizations have taken to the Web as an inexpensive way to interact with customers and conduct business. This includes the use of web-based software that store and collect data, including customer information submitted via content management systems shopping carts, inquiry or submit forms, and login fields.

These applications are often accessible via the Internet and can be hacked to exploit vulnerabilities in the application or its infrastructure. For example, SQL injection attacks (which exploit weaknesses in the database) can result in compromised databases that contain sensitive information. Attackers may use the leverage they gain from compromising your Web application to locate other systems that are more vulnerable within your network.

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a different Web attack type. It exploits weaknesses in web servers to inject malicious you could look here code in web pages. The script is then executed on the victim’s computer’s browser. This allows attackers to gain access to private information, or redirect users to phishing websites. XSS attacks are the most frequent on blogs, message boards and online forums.

Hackers work together to overwhelm a website by sending more requests than the website can handle. This can cause the site to slow down or even stop functioning altogether, which interferes with its ability to process requests, making it unusable for everyone. This is why DDoS attacks can be particularly damaging for small businesses that rely on their websites for operations in local establishments, like bakeries or restaurants.

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